So the month started with KAGEKI fists of steel for the megadrive (american) cart only arriving on the 1st of July, it cost me £3 including postage which I jumped on as it was the cheapest I had ever seen this game being sold for. I thought this was pretty cool as it only came out in Japan and America and the price was nice and low. Yeah you might have realised that if it arrived on the 1st then I obviously orderd it before but I always go with the date a game arrives for these things mostly because I would feel stupid bragging I had something just to find it got lost in the post or there was some other issue.
Then on Friday the 8th of July after work I went to a charity shop and spent £4 on the following 4 complete gamecube games Legends of wrestling, Xmen 2 Wolerines Revenge, Reign of Fire
and 007 Everything or nothing. I also spent £2 on two complete PSP games King Kong and Wipeout Pure.
On Sunday the 10th of July I picked up Naruto Ultimate Ninja heroes complete for the PSP for £4
On Sunday the 10th of July I picked up Naruto Ultimate Ninja heroes complete for the PSP for £4
and Touch Detective 2 1/2 complete for DS (American) for £6 from a small independent game store. I was mostly intrested in Touch Detective 2 1/2 because of the fact its from Atlus and also because I had heard god things about it.
The next day I nipped in to a charity shop and got 4 PS2 games for £2 in total, Burnout 3, OO7 agent under fire, and harry potter quidditch world cup all boxed but missing manuals and then play it pinball complete.
On the 12th I found myself in another small indie shop and grabbed World Cup Italia 90 cart only for megadrive 50pence and Mega Games 1 cart only for megadrive 50pence. I just couldnt not grab loose carts for 50pence it was to inviting.
Admitidly so far pickings had been a little slim or at the very least uneventful but over the next few days I managed to grab a few things I had been chasing for awile waiting to see them at the right kind of price.
On the 13th of July I went to visit a retro shop I hadnt been to before to see if they had anything which I would want. At first I looked around and a fair bit of there stuff was eiher over priced or pretty much the going rate but then I spotted Dynamite Duke for the mega drive complete for £5, every time I have seen this before it has either been a little more than this and just a loose cart or closer to £15 so I imediatly dived on it.
On Friday the 15th of July I recieved a complete copy of Decap Attack (American Version) For the megadrive for £10 complete including postage. I had wanted this game for a very long time, I had been eying up a copy in a local indy shop but it was not in very good condition and was also missing the manual and was £15 which I just didnt really want to pay for it at least not in that condition.
On Sunday the 17th of July I managed to snag a copy of Pokemon Conquest for DS complete £10 from a private seller. I feel very lucky to have got this as now with the whole Pokemon Go mania things seem to be shooting up in price and becoming more difficult to get your hands on.
The next day I nipped in to a charity shop and got 4 PS2 games for £2 in total, Burnout 3, OO7 agent under fire, and harry potter quidditch world cup all boxed but missing manuals and then play it pinball complete.
On the 12th I found myself in another small indie shop and grabbed World Cup Italia 90 cart only for megadrive 50pence and Mega Games 1 cart only for megadrive 50pence. I just couldnt not grab loose carts for 50pence it was to inviting.
Admitidly so far pickings had been a little slim or at the very least uneventful but over the next few days I managed to grab a few things I had been chasing for awile waiting to see them at the right kind of price.
On the 13th of July I went to visit a retro shop I hadnt been to before to see if they had anything which I would want. At first I looked around and a fair bit of there stuff was eiher over priced or pretty much the going rate but then I spotted Dynamite Duke for the mega drive complete for £5, every time I have seen this before it has either been a little more than this and just a loose cart or closer to £15 so I imediatly dived on it.
On Friday the 15th of July I recieved a complete copy of Decap Attack (American Version) For the megadrive for £10 complete including postage. I had wanted this game for a very long time, I had been eying up a copy in a local indy shop but it was not in very good condition and was also missing the manual and was £15 which I just didnt really want to pay for it at least not in that condition.
On Sunday the 17th of July I managed to snag a copy of Pokemon Conquest for DS complete £10 from a private seller. I feel very lucky to have got this as now with the whole Pokemon Go mania things seem to be shooting up in price and becoming more difficult to get your hands on.
Then on Monday the 18th of July I walked in to my local game after work and decided to look through the Wii and PSP games and I managed to find a copy of 3rd Birthday - Twisted Edition complete for the PSP for £5. I have wanted this game for a long time but every time I have seen it it has been a lot more than this so I have kind of waited.
On Saturday July the 23rd a few bits and pieces I had orderd arrived these were
On Monday the 25th of July after work I walked in to a local indy store and convinced them to sell me XIII, Starwars Bounty Hunter, and Starwars Jedi Outcast all complete for Gamecube for £12 in total, cant really say what I spent on what as the guy I got them from basically even though he tends to have prices on things will give you a deal price if you just grab everything you want (obviously encouraging you to grab more stuff). I also popped in to a cash convertors pawn store and grabbed X-Men next dimension complete for xbox for 50pence
The last things I got this month were a complete copy of Test Drive 5 for the PS1 from a charity shop for 50pence and Vigilante 8 - 2nd Offense complete for PS1 for £2.
Ok so what am I most happy about getting, well to start at the end I was very happy to get Vigilante 8 2nd offense for £2 as I have often seen it sell for around £18 nowdays, but not only this its something I remember playing back in the day and that I am just happy to own. I am also over the moon to have got Pokemon Conquest and to have got Third Birthday. I am also very happy with Decap Attack but I think in all honesty the thing I am the most pleased I managed to get this month is a complete copy of Dynamite Duke, basically because I owned this game as a kid and have always wanted it back, its not exactly the same as I used to own a Japanese version and this is a Uk version but still I get to play a game I love again after a very long time so I am smiles all around.
So did I spend less or more, well by my calculations I spent £75 on retro games which is less than the £90 I spent the month before but its exactly the same as I spent the month before that so I guess really you could just call it a pretty typical spend for me. There is a bright lining though, part of why I wanted to minimise my spending was because well everyone only has a limited amount of space they can fill but I did get rid of approximatly 4 large black bags full of old clothing and about the same amount of bags worth in junk. I also recently donated a Megadrive and a Master System 2 to a friend who was just starting out in the world of Video Game collecting as I figured I could spare them both and it would be good to see someone getting some usage out of them instead of them sitting under my bed.
N Plus for PSP new still sealed for £2.50, Lumines Plus for the ps2 new and still sealed for £2
and BlazBlue Calamity Trigger Portable for the PSP new and still sealed for £3.50 (all prices include the postage). I also went in to an indy shop and got 4 copies of Top gear Rally cartridge only for £4 in total.. Once again I know that in the future I might sell off some spare N64's I have so this would be ideal to throw a cart in to show they work and even if I never end up doing that they were cheap enough not to worry too much
and BlazBlue Calamity Trigger Portable for the PSP new and still sealed for £3.50 (all prices include the postage). I also went in to an indy shop and got 4 copies of Top gear Rally cartridge only for £4 in total.. Once again I know that in the future I might sell off some spare N64's I have so this would be ideal to throw a cart in to show they work and even if I never end up doing that they were cheap enough not to worry too much
On Monday the 25th of July after work I walked in to a local indy store and convinced them to sell me XIII, Starwars Bounty Hunter, and Starwars Jedi Outcast all complete for Gamecube for £12 in total, cant really say what I spent on what as the guy I got them from basically even though he tends to have prices on things will give you a deal price if you just grab everything you want (obviously encouraging you to grab more stuff). I also popped in to a cash convertors pawn store and grabbed X-Men next dimension complete for xbox for 50pence
The last things I got this month were a complete copy of Test Drive 5 for the PS1 from a charity shop for 50pence and Vigilante 8 - 2nd Offense complete for PS1 for £2.
Ok so what am I most happy about getting, well to start at the end I was very happy to get Vigilante 8 2nd offense for £2 as I have often seen it sell for around £18 nowdays, but not only this its something I remember playing back in the day and that I am just happy to own. I am also over the moon to have got Pokemon Conquest and to have got Third Birthday. I am also very happy with Decap Attack but I think in all honesty the thing I am the most pleased I managed to get this month is a complete copy of Dynamite Duke, basically because I owned this game as a kid and have always wanted it back, its not exactly the same as I used to own a Japanese version and this is a Uk version but still I get to play a game I love again after a very long time so I am smiles all around.
So did I spend less or more, well by my calculations I spent £75 on retro games which is less than the £90 I spent the month before but its exactly the same as I spent the month before that so I guess really you could just call it a pretty typical spend for me. There is a bright lining though, part of why I wanted to minimise my spending was because well everyone only has a limited amount of space they can fill but I did get rid of approximatly 4 large black bags full of old clothing and about the same amount of bags worth in junk. I also recently donated a Megadrive and a Master System 2 to a friend who was just starting out in the world of Video Game collecting as I figured I could spare them both and it would be good to see someone getting some usage out of them instead of them sitting under my bed.
OK so I think it is pretty obvious that I am a huge video game fan, I love them, I play them, I collect them, I am on several forums, in the past I have made YouTube game related films, I keep this blog and at one point I nearly ended up with a job as a games journalist. Now as far as arguments go this means I am both intrested in the subject but also some might argue that I am biased, after all I am pro gaming right? Actually my thoughts are far more complicated than that.
I guess the first thing to ask is what a gamer is. Now the obvious answer is someone who plays games, then youd go down the road of what counts as a game, which in itself could be a debate with some considering things like browser games and iphone style swiping mini games to either be or not be games. I just want to cut through al of that and say that in my oppinion and for the purpose of this piece of writing anything where you watch something while inputing commands is a Video Game, so arcade games, first person shooters, graphic novels, iphone games ecetera all count. Yes you might go well those full motion Video SEGA Mega CD things where you just occasionally press a button and if you dont do it at the exact right second there not real games, or those browser thingies where you get friends to send you magic potatoes arnt real games I would hasten to add that just because you dont find them enjoyable does not make them not a game, if something wasnt a game if it wasnt enjoyable then Ride to Hell Retrebution would not be sold in game shops. Even if it is shit or you feel it is shit its still a Video Game, its maybe just not a good one (in your oppinion).
Now if someone plays video games a lot then it might be easy to assume that they are adicted but stop and think about it. Lots of people spend a great deal of time doing lots of diffrent things and it is often taken as being normal, for example some people will watch episode after episode of a TV show on netflicks often being really obsorbed in them and not wanting to stop, or someone will sit and read for hours on end on there own, yet you dont really hear of people being considerd book adicts or TV addicts. The typical old fashioned view of gamers was the one that they were all sad fat spotty males sat in the dark playing games alone, now yes some gamers might be sat playing video games alone and maybe they prefer this to social interaction this wouldnt automatically make them either an addict or a bad person. Some people are simply more introverted and would rather spend time on their own engaging in a solitery pass time rather than choose to be around other people, it is there life and there choice to make. Often people will argue that a life spent playing games is a life wasted but how is it any more or less wasted than a life sitting in pubs drinking, or watching rich people kicking a ball around or sitting in a libary reading. It is up to each man and woman to decide what is and is not a waste of there time. I can admit I have played a game for like three days before only taking breaks to eat sleep and well answer calls of nature, this is not a regular thing though and when I have done it I have either happend to have those days off work or I have booked them off, I have made sure all my bills are paid and my responsabilities are taken care of and then I have made the choice to use my time in this way.
Another point to make is that games are not neciserily such a solo passtime anymore, in fact they havent been for a long time, first there was co-operative and competitive play where you would all gather around the same console in the same house andd now with all of the various online services that exist you can reach out and play with almost anyone from anywhere around the world without any of you having to leave your own houses. There could be a whole argument made here about how real or not real online friends are but that would be a big enough debate in its own right that it would pull me off topic, lets just say gaming is arguable just as social as many other hobbies which are not frowned upon anywhere as much as gaming is. Am I saying that there is no succh thing as Video Game Addiction of course not, I am saying dont jump the boat and assume that because someone enjoys playing games they are addicted or that the hobby is toxic, however do remember that to much of anything can be a bad thing.
I am not going to give any magic formula thats based on numbers and say its wrong to play this often or for this long or that your life should be divided into time spent doing this that and the other as well diffrent individuals will have diffrent demands upon there time depending on a wide depth of factors such as what job they have and how much of there time it takes up, if they have children or a significant other etcetera. To but it bluntly its not how long or how much they game that is the thing you need to worry about it is any negative effects that there choice to game as much as they came and when they game leads to. For exmple I would be worried if someone was missing work, neglecting responsabilities, ignoring there loved ones or simply not doing the things they need to do to maintain there life such as buying food, paying bills.
Obviously if your a gamer and your wondering if you are playing to much then well you know if your going to work or attending college or not, you know if your paying your bills or ignoring them, you will know if you have spent money on games that you should have spent on food, but some of the other things are a little harder to know. You will know if you feel your neglecting someone in your life but you wont know how they feel about it, like most personal problems between two people or a group of people you can only work out the truth through positive communictation. If you are generally worried that you are neglecting a partner or family member or simply want to make sure that they are OK then the only way to find out is to ask. If your working, your taking care of your day to day business and your able to ask your loved ones if they feel neglected and take whatever answer they give you onboard and if necisery then make changes to make them feel valued and wanted then you can breathe a little easier knowing that either there is no problem or if there is it is obviously one that can be put to bed with just a little work.
How do you tell if a partner or family member is an addict? Well obviously you will know if they are going to work, if they are taking care of themselves and there responsibilities, but when it comes to are they neglecting you well there are a few questions you need to stop and ask yourself. Have you told them you feel neglected? If not then start by delicatly telling them this, if your sat there reading a book and they are playing a game then maybe they just presume you are both doing something you enjoy, you wouldnt believe the amount of time that has been wasted with two people sitting there with both of them doing something while similtaniously waiting for the other person to finish what they are doing. Also you might want to stop and ask yourself a few questions such as have they always gamed this much if not is there a reason they are suddenly playing more have they just got a new game they have wanted for a long time or are they more stressed than usual? Some people find that gaming really helps them get certain forms of stress out of there system.
Now some people might think that as I have mentioned new games that I must frequently go crazy over new games and ignore everyone around me. Well a game I had waited like 15months for, that I had been reading about and had orderd and paid for a whole month before its release came out just before I was due to spend the weekend with my girlfriend so what did I do? I played it on the train on my way to hers and then put it away. The simple truth is that I think all relationships need to have a little give and take, and as my mother used to say you get more with sugar than with shouting.
If something new has just come out and he is really gripped to it because he has wanted it for ages then delicatly tell him your glad he enjoys it but need some time and fuss before you go nuts and start an intervention. Sure if your partner is just always playing games (or doing any other pass time) all of the time then go more of the intervention look I miss your attention but I am allso seriously worried about you route.
In conclusion you can love and play games a lot without being addicted, its not how much you play thats the issue its wether you can keep your hobbies in check and not let them rule your life and the road to sorting out most problems is communication.