On Friday December the 2nd my daughter met me after work and we went down to a local indy shop, mostly as we were walking with a work friend of mine who wanted to go. I ended up getting myself a Gamecube import game bundle for £50, this bundle contained a freeloader (a disc that makes your cube play imports) and then a whole bunch of NTSC (American) games Need for speed hot pursuit 2, Superman shadow of Apokolips, Finding Nemo,Chicken Little, Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban, spongebob squarepants the movie,need for speed underground 2, crash bandicoot the wrath of cortex, and Paper Mario the thousand-year door. Yeah it was mostly the last one that made me agree to buy this bundle as the last few times I have seen this game it has been like £65 or more on its own even when in not very good condition (this one was in very good condition).
On Friday December the 9th I grabbed a few games first I got Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker (Greatest Hits Version) complete for PSP £2.99 from a pawn store and after this I visited a charity shop and managed to get, Mario Kart Wii complete for 49pence, PokePark Wii complete for 49pence, and Juiced complete for Xbox for 49pence which I thought was a great little find. My favourate purchase on that day though was Pierre le chef Out to Lunch complete for the SNES for £15. If you read this blog then you will have seen that I recently reviewed this game and know that I have very strong feelings for it.
On Sunday December the 11th I walked to a games store after finishing work and was very happily suprised to see and buy the following, Blaster Master Nes cart, sleeve and manual for £10, Kabuki Quantum fighter Nes cart, sleeve and manual for £5, and Bugs Bunny Blowout Nes cart sleeve and manual for £5. I was very happy mostly because I had wanted Blaster Master for a long time but also because it has become increasingly difficult to find NES games what with there age and popularity.
On Tuesday December the 13th I recieved ,Klax complete for MegaDrive (American) for £3. I actually purchased this because I had been talking to my girlfriend about the megadrive and she had asked me if I owned this game, I didnt and well as she had fond memories of it I decided that I would buy it so that I could let her play it sometime and at £3 including postage for a complete version it was also at a price I could be proud of.
Following this I visited a game shop and picked up, Super Off Road cart manual and sleve for NES for £5, Tetris cart, manual and sleve for NES for £8, King of the fighters Maximum Impact for PS2 complete for £3.50, King of the fighters 2000-2001 (the saga continues) for ps2 complete for £4 and Star Ocean Till the end of time for ps2 complete for £8. As said before its always great to get your hands on NES games and I fgured I should grab a copy of Star Ocean Till the End of Time before it becomes a pig to get ahold of.
On Friday December the 16th I recieved a game I had orderd of the internet I got Fantasy Zone for game gear complete £6. I was really happy to see that this turned up in great condition when I had seen it being sold for £6 including postage I had sort of assumed that despite it being advertised that it would arrive as just a cart as boxed copies usually go for £25 and above and sometimes the old saying if it seems to good to be true it proberbly is proves to be true, but on this occasion I got what I wanted and really lucked out.
On Tuesday December the 13th I recieved ,Klax complete for MegaDrive (American) for £3. I actually purchased this because I had been talking to my girlfriend about the megadrive and she had asked me if I owned this game, I didnt and well as she had fond memories of it I decided that I would buy it so that I could let her play it sometime and at £3 including postage for a complete version it was also at a price I could be proud of.
Following this I visited a game shop and picked up, Super Off Road cart manual and sleve for NES for £5, Tetris cart, manual and sleve for NES for £8, King of the fighters Maximum Impact for PS2 complete for £3.50, King of the fighters 2000-2001 (the saga continues) for ps2 complete for £4 and Star Ocean Till the end of time for ps2 complete for £8. As said before its always great to get your hands on NES games and I fgured I should grab a copy of Star Ocean Till the End of Time before it becomes a pig to get ahold of.
On Friday December the 16th I recieved a game I had orderd of the internet I got Fantasy Zone for game gear complete £6. I was really happy to see that this turned up in great condition when I had seen it being sold for £6 including postage I had sort of assumed that despite it being advertised that it would arrive as just a cart as boxed copies usually go for £25 and above and sometimes the old saying if it seems to good to be true it proberbly is proves to be true, but on this occasion I got what I wanted and really lucked out.
On Friday December the 23rd,I went on a walk around some local charity shops and from the first one I visited I picked up Mario Galaxy 2 for Wii for £3.99, now this is a great price for this particular game but I am not overly keen on the shop itself, I cant fault this game it was in great condition but they tend to think that all games are worth £3.99 regardless of what they are or if they are in perfect condition or if they have been half eaten by a dog. Now you might say I should go easy on them with it being for charity but when I have seen them trying to sell Fifa 2012 for £3.99 with teeth marks in the case this is just taking up shelf space and realisitically is going to sit there for ever where if theyd throw something like this out the door at a cheap price theyd have room to display other things and make more money. From another charity shop I grabbed Singstar R&B for PS2 for 30pence complete and Dead or Alive 2 for PS2 30pence complete.
So at £138.55 you could say this month was a pretty darn expensive month but I think I got a fair amount of bang for my buck so to speak. I am also very aware that I worked some diffficult shifts with a lot of hassle and worked a little more than I would like so when I saw something and wonderd if I should buy it often a voice in my head kind of said sod it treat yourself for going through this or for having to put up with that etc, this might sound a little selfish but I had a fair bit of cash saved to the side for Christmas and I also was just as generous with buying extra gifts for my girlfriend and my family. Will I be spending less next month? Well my birthday is in January so the urge to treat myself will proberbly be just as strong so who can say, I guess it depends upon what I see on my travels.
So at £138.55 you could say this month was a pretty darn expensive month but I think I got a fair amount of bang for my buck so to speak. I am also very aware that I worked some diffficult shifts with a lot of hassle and worked a little more than I would like so when I saw something and wonderd if I should buy it often a voice in my head kind of said sod it treat yourself for going through this or for having to put up with that etc, this might sound a little selfish but I had a fair bit of cash saved to the side for Christmas and I also was just as generous with buying extra gifts for my girlfriend and my family. Will I be spending less next month? Well my birthday is in January so the urge to treat myself will proberbly be just as strong so who can say, I guess it depends upon what I see on my travels.