Thursday 27 July 2017

How I feel about the Smash Bros Melee player who assaulted a Gas station attendant being allowed to compete in Smash Tournaments

OK so I just want to say that I have not been in an official video game tournament since I was like 16 or something on those lines it was a Art of fighting 2 tournament in which the top 3 players got a prize and I came 4th so got nothing , I remember little else about it other than a friend of mine came 3rd and I played as King. I have attended various other game playing groups and fun events since but I haven't competed in anything that was more than just a bit of fun or something where the winner got a bag of sweets or something so I wouldn't consider myself a pro gamer or into the competition scene but I have hanged out at various ''geeky'' venues such as Sci Fi and comic conventions a lot of which now days I have attended with my 15 year old daughter. So why do I bringing this up basically because I want to talk about something in the esports world or to be precise something in the Super Smash Bros Melee community.

OK so recently, a top Melee player made his grand re-entry into the game’s competitive scene, basically he used to be considered a big deal, he played a lot with falco but he dropped out of the scene. Now during his absence he assaulted a Florida petrol station clerk. Apparently now this has the Smash Community arguing over if he deserves to be allowed to compete again. Now I don't want to even give the guys name as I don't think he deserves the attention so I will just call him Prick A for the rest of this post. OK so Prick A is arguing that he’s shed his violent past and now is concerned primarily with practising religion, refining his Falco strategy and gaining followers for his new Twitch channel. Personally I hate the idea of a vile prick who hurt people for his own gain gathering any kind of popularity gaming wise or social media wise but the Melee community is divided and hundreds of fans have debated Prick A's past, his actions, and whether he deserves a second or third chance to participate in Melee events and tournaments.

One side seem to think that basically talent and skill are all that are important and they feel that if Prick A wasn't allowed to participate then the smash community would miss out on witnessing his skill. Those against the idea of showing Prick A acceptance say that this obsession with skill is sidelining concerns for safety.

The Melee scene has historically been forgiving of players with violent histories. In 2012, a different prick Prick B was banned after placing another player in a choke-hold. Prick B also allegedly had a history of violent outbursts.yet fans of his play style demanded he be let back in and campaigned with hastags and the like and he was let back in and now he continues to compete in national tournaments, A third Prick, Prick C was banned from tournaments in one country for displaying “poor sportsmanship” and bullying new and disabled players. After a year, and a long apology, he was allowed back in. I know some people might say well you need to give people another chance but just stop and think about the person who was choked or one of the disabled people who had the piss taken out of them, think about them wanting to attend again and knowing the person who hurt them either physically or emotionally will be there and heck if there a good player they will be there with people chanting there name and slapping them on the back doesn't seem very good for the victims at all does it?

Now I also find it important to say that Prick A is not just someone who with one stupid decision decided to assault a petrol station employee nope Prick A actually has a lengthy rap sheet. His court records contain twelve entries reflecting a slew of alleged crimes committed between 2011 and 2016 that range from theft and battery to bogus small-fry infractions. In 2013, a court charged Layton with aggravated battery after his female housemate obtained a lacerated liver and fractured vertebrae in a fight. That charge was later dropped with Prick A claiming he did not do it In 2016, Prick A punched a gas station clerk in the face, which he admitted to, and according to the clerk he threatened to slit the clerk’s throat, which Prick A denies. Prick A took a four-year break from national Melee competition, admitting that he fell in with a bad crowd committed crimes and spent several nights in jail.
Prick A has completed 14 anger management and 14 substance abuse classes since the 2016 gas station incident and has shared proof of this on Twitter, where he also posted an apology which: “YES, I WAS a violent person. YES, I do have an exquisite criminal record. I am not denying any of those facts. I am sorry for the way that I was and the things I have done in my life. I am ashamed for a lot that has happened up till now. I did not mean to hurt anyone emotionally, or the people that I have hurt physically, although none of them are smashers.” Not so sorry that he wants to do much about it though hey? No he would sooner try to gain fame as a video game player and twitcher
There are a lot of Women claiming that Prick A has been confrontational or aggressive to them or to people they know and yes he will claim that they are not telling the truth but I think there are far to many accounts for there to not be a grain of truth there. He claims that he is not threatening with quotes such as the following “How can I be threatening when I’m laughing and having a good time with my friend 1 and my friend 2?” I cant help but raise the answer that plenty of people laugh or find amusement in bullying people threatening people and causing people harm.
You might wonder why I feel so strongly about this, well for a start I have a 15 year old daughter , yes she attends things with me but one day she will branch out on her own and she is a big lover of games and I wouldn't want her in an environment which supports and idolises or excuses guys like this because they can play well. On top of this if you have been reading my stuff for a long time then you will know that I was violently beaten with iron bars while at work and went through PTSD and have suffered for years over it, with this in mind you know whose opinion we should ask? We should ask the Gas Station attendant. I was assaulted 8 years ago and given half a chance I would kill the guys involved as it still effects my life till this day in all manner of ways. I don't care what courses this guy has been through I care about the attendant and where he is now and how his life has been affected, the potential courses of mental health treatment he has been through. In my opinion as someone who suffered a very serious assault I just think that its sick to see a Villain be treated as a hero.

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