Friday 10 August 2018

The Halloween movie Canon Jigsaw Part 3: Where does Season of the Witch fit into all of this or does it simply not.

OK so with Halloween being the story of what Michael Myers did on Halloween and the sequel Halloween 2 being a continuation of this most people would probably presume that Halloween 3 would be yet more of the same, after all that's pretty much how it went for horror movie Villains like Freddy Kruger and Chucky and such right? Well in this case you'd actually be wrong, in fact you could say that you would be dead wrong. You see Halloween III: Season Of The Witch, abandoned the story of Michael Myers altogether he doesn't really feature in the film at all, well except for the part where an advert for the first Halloween movie appears on a television set. The idea at this point in time was that  from this point on Halloween was going to be a sort of series of  anthology films, so film 1 and 2 would be about Michael and then 3 would be about something incredibly different happening one Halloween night and then 4 would be about another thing. I guess that kind of means that in Halloween universe terms we have a slight problem here, either Halloween 3 is happening in a completely different universe where the first Halloween at least exists as a movie or the whole Michael Myers thing really happened and then someone made a movie about those events, a movie which got the details at least close enough for its trailer to look like a pretty much beat for beat reenactment of some of what happened.

To be honest I kind of really like the idea of the Halloween trailer seen in Halloween 3 being a trailer for a movie based on real killings in that universe by Myers but then it would come with all kinds of problems, including the fact that people in future films should know who Micheal is on sight. Add to the fact that knowledge of  a killer in your neck of the woods who had survived a crazy amount of punishment and was basically a relentless killing machine would mean that everyone would have there houses so super super secure and live with loaded weapons in there hands every second of every day well lets just say you'd have to factor these kind of things into future films which would create a whole heap of work. OK I am going to leave this here as I could go in circles talking about it all for a very very long time.
I guess I should say at this point that I am an absolutely massive fan of Halloween 3. I have written about it quiet a few times, I have reviewed it, I have discussed whether it might have been met with a better reception if it was just called Season of the Witch with its Halloween connection severed. I have also spent a lot of time wondering what would have happened if the film had been a success, what would Halloween 4 and 5 and 6 have been about then, and how good or bad would they have been?

One thing I would have liked to have seen done in latter films is to have the events of Halloween 3 connected to the cult of Thorn. Yeah Myers is great on his own but I would have liked to have played the cults power up a little bit more, to have made it seem like they were a force for evil in the universe and that they didn't have all of there eggs in the Michael basket, they had the mask plan and various other ideas.

OK so I guess that's me done talking about Halloween 3 but I will say one thing, if you havent seen it then give it a bash, just don't go into it expecting a slasher film with a silent shadow killing people, go in to it with a fresh and open mind and you might just find that you really enjoy it.

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